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Writer's pictureBurbank Road Church of Christ

The Lord Enables Us

1 Timothy 1:12-13

12 And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry,

13 although I was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an insolent man; but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.

Things we need to realize with God.

Our past doesn't matter.

No matter how much we sinned, or what our sin was in the past, it does not matter.

When we come to Jesus, we are forgiven and those sins are wiped away, gone.

Jesus took all of that punishment for us.

So, we no longer have an expectation of punishment.

Instead, we have mercy and grace and love.

God calls us all to a ministry.

Each of us have a role to fulfill.

Usually, the role we are called to fill, we can't do without God.

Look at all those called to serve in the Bible.

See all their flaws and problems and issues.

They are just like us.

Without the Lord enabling them, equipping them, helping them, they would have been able to do nothing.

God always calls us to do more than we are comfortable doing.

He calls us to develop and grow into the work, the role He has planned for us.

Then, once we are comfortable, He calls us to do more again.

So that we are always growing and improving, ultimately becoming more like Jesus.

Jesus, the only worthy Servant and Son.

And every time God calls us to do more, He enables us more.

The Lord equips us with everything we need to do the work He wants us to do.

So don't be afraid because God is calling you, He is with you.

He will enable you to fulfill whatever role you are in now and whatever role you may grow into in the future.

Like Moses, we may not feel qualified, but that feeling and any fear with it, is not from God.

He will make you qualified and give you the ability to succeed in what He calls you to do.

We can trust the Lord even in our service to Him, because He enables us.

He gives us all we need to serve Him in every capacity.

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