Ephesians 2:8-9
8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,
9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.
God gives us everything we need for salvation.
He gives us the perfect sacrifice in Jesus
He even gives us the faith we need for salvation.
We did not work for salvation.
We did not grow our faith to be saved.
We did not suffer and die for our sins.
God, in His grace, His favor and love toward us, wanting the best for us, gave us everything.
He gave us the Bible, His word so we would know about Him and about His son and His Spirit.
He gave us the message, the word to be heard.
He gave us the sacrifice to pay our debt of sin.
The faith, the belief and confidence in His promises.
All we must do is act on that faith.
Faith always requires action.
Jesus asks, "How can you me Lord and not do what I have said?" (Paraphrased)
He said those that believe must be baptized.
Baptism is not a work; it is an act of faith.
The world will tell us it is silly to believe in Jesus and to believe in baptism.
If Satan can't get us to not believe in Jesus, then he'll try to get us to not believe in baptism.
Whatever it takes to keep us from salvation and the Holy Spirit.
There is no sinner's prayer in the Bible, but there is repentance and baptism.
Plainly shown and taught throughout the New Testament.
God has supplied us with everything we need for salvation.
But we must act on it.
Faith without action is dead.
Repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins and receive the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit seals us as God's own people.
He guides us and helps us understand God's word.
This helps us change, to become closer to Jesus as we go through life.
Again, God gives us everything we need for continuing salvation.
God gives us Himself.
At every turn, He is the answer.
The Father, the Son, the Spirit.
Giving us all we need, the gift of God.