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Writer's pictureBurbank Road Church of Christ


Romans 8:35-39

35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

36 As it is written:

“For Your sake we are killed all day long;

We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.”

37 Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come,

39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

I want to remind us of what Paul is stating so clearly and strongly here.

Nothing and no one can separate us from the love of God.

God loves us even when we do not love ourselves.

Even when we are an enemy against God.

At those times we just refuse God's love, He does not take it away.

So, if we follow Christ and are children of God, loving the Lord, then understand that nothing on this earth, in this life will change His love and care for us.

God loves us, He will see us through any trial and bring us to heaven to be with Him.

No matter what happens to us, we have already won the victory in Jesus.

He has gone to prepare a place for us, and He will come back to get us.

No government, no person, no demonic force, nothing can separate us from the Lord.

No illness, no death, nothing.

This fleshly death will actually send us on our way to be with the Lord.

So, do not fear the things of this life.

Fear the death that awaits those who are not baptized into Christ.

Fear what will happen to them in the lake of fire.

That will be eternal separation from God that they are choosing for themselves.

Warn them while there is still time.

They can be saved through belief and baptism, and the Lord will not turn them away.

Like Paul, I know that when we turn to Christ and accept His payment for our sins, we join God's family.

And God does not cast us out of His family.

We may choose to leave, but that is on us.

The Lord is extending His love and will do so until judgment.

We don't know when that will be, so don't wait.

Accept Jesus as Lord today and know God's everlasting love.

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